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Organizer Chat at the 24th of May, 2012
as mentioned before, a live chat with the organizer of the Wacken Open Air will happen today. Starting at 17.30 o’clock you will have the possibility to submit questions, which we will answer from 18 o’clock to 19 o’clock. (All times are UTC+1) Of course we can’t answer all questions if there are too many of them, so we have to restrict them to the most important and useful questions. So you should start to think about according questions by now.
The chat will happen at the Wacken Open Air Facebook page, so you have to a Facebook account and to like the page to participate. The chat will happen at a subpage called “W:O:A Chat”, which will be available at 5:30 pm.
We will also publish a summary about the answered questions afterwards, so every visitor can get the information from the chat.