This article is VERY old (older than 2 years)!
Full:Metal:Army – started at W:O:A 2011
The 22nd Wacken Open Air is over and also the Full Metal Army has started ably.
At this year´s festival the official fanclub of Wacken Open Air starts with a booth at Wacken infield.
Within the first day we had received round about 100 declarations of application. After the festival days they had grown to more than 240.
This was a great start for the Full:Metal:Army!
Until the end of the year you can join the F:M:A for free. During this period you can check out the services and structures of the F:M:A.
More information about the fanclub, the services and all plans which should be realized until the end of the year you can find at our homepage
Become a part of the F:M:A community and join the taster membership now!
Here you´ll find the declaration of application.
If there are any further questions feel free to contact us:
Join the F:M:A!
Your F:M:A-Team